The Stylist is responsible to Select, fit, and take care of costumes for cast members, and aid entertainers. May assist with multiple costume changes during performances. A wardrobe stylist is the job title of someone who selects the clothing for published editorial features, print or television advertising campaigns, music videos, concert performances, and any public appearances made by celebrities, models or other public figures. Stylists are often part of a larger creative team assembled by the client, collaborating with the fashion designer, photographer/director
- Advising presenters on clothing for on air
- Ensuring all presenter to provide consistent and high quality wardrobe to on air presenters and guests
- Distribute costumes or related equipment and keep records of item status
- Clean and press costumes before and after performances and perform any minor repairs.
- Return borrowed or rented items when productions are complete and return other items to storage
- Arrange costumes in order of use to facilitate quick-change procedures for performances
- Provide assistance to cast members in wearing costumes, or assign cast dressers to assist specific cast members with costume changes
- Examine costume fit on cast members and sketch or write notes for alterations
- Purchase, rent, or requisition costumes or other wardrobe necessities
- Design or construct costumes or send them to tailors for construction, major repairs, or alterations
- Check the appearance of costumes on stage or under lights to determine whether desired effects are being achieved
- Create worksheets for dressing lists, show notes, or costume checks
- Review scripts or other production information to determine a story's locale or period, as well as the number of characters and required costumes
- Direct the work of wardrobe crews during dress rehearsals or performances
- Study books, pictures, or examples of period clothing to determine styles worn during specific periods in history
- Perform other duties relevant to the job as requested
Required skills
- Interpersonal skills
- Languages
Required qualifications
- Minimum High School Diploma or Technical Certificates in Cosmetology, Hair & Wardrobe Stylist or any related discipline
- Minimum 2 years of professional experience in wardrobe stylist preferably in Media industry